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Environmental Impact Assessment

Along with an extensive knowledge of the fundamental environmental interactions of the project, environmental impact assessment (EIA) requires a clear understanding of the planning process, statutory obligations and predicted changes to regulation and policy. Aurora supports the delivery of major infrastructure and development projects throughout the design, planning, consenting, and construction phases. 

We ensure that EIAs are accurately and robustly scoped with the planning authority so that whilst all relevant environmental topics are addressed, any unnecessary assessments are excluded. We work with a team of external technical specialists, as well as statutory and non-statutory consultees, to provide focused, effective Environmental Statements (EIA Reports in Scotland). Where necessary, we propose appropriate mitigation measures to remove, minimise or offset potential adverse environmental effects.

Aurora also provides support for planning applications that do not require full EIA but need individual environmental assessments. 

We often continue our support in the post-application stages through assistance with planning condition discharge, support at planning appeals and public inquiries, and environmental management of demolition and construction operations.


Our Services

  • EIA Screening and Scoping
  • Statutory and non-statutory consultation
  • EIA project management
  • Collation of Environmental Statements / EIA Reports
  • Review of Environmental Statements / EIA Reports
  • Support with public exhibitions
  • Post-submission support and negotiation
  • Planning appeal and Public Inquiry support
  • Support in discharging planning conditions
  • Construction Environmental Management Planning

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