Spaceport and Launch Operator Licensing
Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) is critical to the UK licence application process for Spaceport and Small Launch Vehicle Operators alike.
Whilst only one element of the licence application, AEE – which must consider and mitigate impacts on human health, biodiversity, air quality, water, noise, climate, landscape, land and soil, and cultural heritage – needs to be fully integrated into project design from the outset and the timelines for development and determination of this significant work package fully understood in order to ensure that project programmes are maintained.
Aurora is well placed to support with AEE. Drawing on our experience of working closely with both spaceport and launch operators, the regulator (the CAA), and consultees over the past five years, we can provide advice on lessons learnt to date in this new sector and support clients in streamlining their assessment and minimising environmental effects such that the process of AEE becomes of benefit not just to the environment, but also to the mission.
Our Services
- AEE Scoping
- Regulator (CAA) liaison
- AEE project management and delivery
- Technical assessments to support AEE
- Post-submission support and negotiation
- Support in discharging licence conditions